All that I want to tell you about


The last events in my life

Ji Young and her leaving for Seoul more...

Celebration of the 2005 year more...

Working in Oriflame company more...

The last № of the newspaper 'ProfVERSIYA' in 2004 more...

The final match of comands of the supreme league of KVN (CMW) in 2004 more...

The new roommate from Seoul more...

Leisure (my free time)

Сinema... (about where I go and what I watch)

Theatre... (about what theatre I go to and what I enjoyed with there)

Sport... (about what spor I go in for and what I watch by television)

The Internet... (about when I first came into the Internet and what I look there for now)

Literature... (about what I read and what prefer in the world of different books)

Сoncerts... (about what concert halls I 've been to and what I was watching there)

Everybody who prefer reliability, simpleness and durability (31.01.2005)

A cell phone of finish company Nokia. So, this the most popular model 1100. There was another model 3310 (a huge one like a brick) in its popularity. This cell is phone is like by people because of long term of battery's charge. I like it also. I use it and advice you to buy such the cell phone. So this phone is selled for only 1590 rubles. It's almost new. There was only one owner of the cell phone. There is an istruction and a charging device in the set..

My roomate is already in Elista (28.01.2005)

My friends Jung Ingo and Вajir Kikeev altogether moved to the city of Elistaby bus. Today, my roommate Ingo, to be more exact on the 28th of January arrived tо such a wonderful city. Perhaps he liked the Kalmykian city. Let's wait till that time he'll be back and then we'll talk about his trip impressions.

Jung Ingo is going to Kalmykiya

Му roommate will go to the for one week on the 26th of January. He wants to visit the city of Elista, the city of Makhachkala and try to go to Krasnodarsrij region in order to see the famous and tourist city of Sochi. I'd like to go there also, but unfortunately I have another plans for this period of time.

Today many people use Flash USB disk. But unfortunately not all of them. :( It's a pity...

II saw this device for the first time in Summеr of 2002 in the big village Ust'-Ordynskij, (the capital of Ust-Ordynskij Buryat Autonomious district). It's much convinient to use istead of floppy disks, because it takes little space in someone's pocket and reliably занимает мало места в кармане и надежно stores the larger volume of information. It can be used at any PC that has USB port.

I had a luck to buy my first Flash USB disk with 16 Mb of capacity in January of 2003. I spent 460 rubles at that time. May be it could be considered as an expensive toy in people's hands who are advanced users of computer technologies. Operators of Computer center of Buryat State University were astonished with, when I came to them to print a few pages of typed text.They immediatly liked it.

Now you have an opportunity to purchase Flash USB Disks of large capasity (128-256 Mb). I offer you to purchase cheaply the most popular removanle disks by its capacity from Samsung Electronics company. Flash USB Disk 128 Мb costs only 650 rubles, but 256 Мb is for 900 rubles. You order them by e-mail or by sending SMS to ny cell phone.

Everybody, who haven't bought a callendar for 2005 year for yourself! Do you want to have something unusual? I can do an exclusive calendar for you so that a calekdar's sheet can be 20*30 ( А4 size) or 30*45 (А3 size)

So, уou don't have a new calendar!? Do you want to get an unusual calendar? Okay, then order it to have an exclusive calendar with any design manufactured. А4 size calendar costs only 150 rubles, but А3 size calendar ( the newspaper "ProfVERSIYA") - 200 рублей. Redundancies on the price are possible and depended on difficulties of design work and number of copies that are to be manufactured.

The image of a t-shirt can be like this one

Attention, please! You have a good opportunity to order a t-shirt with any image or a text!

Everyone, who wants to have a beautiful and cheap t-shirt out of dark or light fiber with any pisture or text on it, can order it to have it manufactured.

Teaching of the English and the Russian languages

Everybody are interested in English and Russian languages! You do want to study any of these languages, but you don't know where a good tutor is. Ask me for a help. I can teach you English and Russian. The teaching costs 200 rubles for an hour (60 minutes). I use necessary literature for the teaching process. 8-)

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