All that I want to tell you about


The last events in my life

Ji Young and her leaving for Seoul more...

Celebration of the 2005 year more...

Working in Oriflame company more...

The last № of the newspaper 'ProfVERSIYA' in 2004 more...

The final match of comands of the supreme league of KVN (CMW) in 2004 more...

The new roommate from Seoul more...

Leisure (my free time)

Сinema... (about where I go and what I watch)

Theatre... (about what theatre I go to and what I enjoyed with there)

Sport... (about what spor I go in for and what I watch by television)

The Internet... (about when I first came into the Internet and what I look there for now)

Literature... (about what I read and what prefer in the world of different books)

Сoncerts... (about what concert halls I 've been to and what I was watching there)


I study as a post graduate student of the chair of theory and history of sociology of the faculty of sociology of St. Petersburg State University. I like sociology, because this science tryes to find scietific solutions to many probles of society, especially to social ones. I'm interested in mare than usual in social problems of russian society. May be that's why I begun to study social work as a subject many years ago at the socio-phychological faculty of Buryat State University, got higher education and became a specialist of social work.

Social worker is a professional in social sphere trying to help other people who are in a difficult vital situation. His work is extremely important in Russia. But who knows about it? I'm worried about what Russians think of such a new profession and chose with my academic advisor such the theme of my dissertational work 'Problems of the form of social worker's image in the modern consciousness of Russians'. We want to know what Russians think aout social worker, to look into the problems of the form of it's image and try to offer acceptable methods and ways of popularization of the new profession among the country's people.

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