All that I want to tell you about

About my web page

The last events in my life

Ji Young and her leaving for Seoul more...

Celebration of the 2005 year more...

Working in Oriflame company more...

The last № of the newspaper 'ProfVERSIYA' in 2004 more...

The final match of comands of the supreme league of KVN (CMW) in 2004 more...

The new roommate from Seoul more...

Leisure (my free time)

Сinema... (about where I go and what I watch)

Theatre... (about what theatre I go toand what I enjoyed with where)

Sport... (about what spor I go in for and what I watch by television)

The Internet... (about when I first came into the Internet and what I look there for now)

Literature... (about what I read and what prefer in the world of different books)

Сoncerts... (about what concert halls I 've been to and what I was watching there)

About my web page

13' January' 2005 - the date of my web site's birthday in the Internet. The web site is created in Macromedia Dreamweaver 2004 programme. It is a very useful and convinient software. I advice it evebody, whо wants to make effective ans simple web sites, spending not too much time.

14' January' 2005 - the date the counter of HotLog was published at the web site.

19' January' 2005 - the setting the web site's guestbook at the server

2' February' 2005 - the new division 'Leisuгe (my free time)' was added to the web site. Some of the web-pages are not made, but they are supposed to to made in the nearest future.

4' February' 2005 - the new division 'Selected' was added. The web-pages are not ready yet. The banner of the web-site was published at the web site.

5' February' 2005 - the composition of the web site's guestbook was changed. The first four photos were added to the web site's division 'Photogallery'.The banners of the web page Buryat people and NeoSap company were published.

7' February' 2005 - the division 'Leisuгe (my free time)' is ready now.

What do I need the web site for?

It's too cool to have a web page in the Internet now.аничку в Интернете. I have had such the one since 2000. I've created it with constuctor at the server of free hosting The address was On the 11th' January I wanted to update it with the new version of the web site, but unfortunately I couldn't..., but may be fortunately. It was closed because there hadn't been no visitoirs at the web site for more than fou monthesr. :-( So ihad to a new domai name. Now you know it very well.

I have a great wish to inform people about something interesting that happen in our life. I'd like the information they would get from my web site were useful for them. Also I dream about my web site's popularity among my friends, relatives and acquaintances. Probably it'll become a place where are discussed important and unimportant problems of life in different villages and cities of Russia. People will get an opportunity to find out about any changes and events in my life and of course about what I plan for the nearest fututre.

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