All that I want to tell you about


The last events in my life

Ji Young and her leaving for Seoul more...

Celebration of the 2005 year more...

Working in Oriflame company more...

The last № of the newspaper 'ProfVERSIYA' in 2004 more...

The final match of comands of the supreme league of KVN (CMW) in 2004 more...

The new roommate from Seoul more...

Leisure (my free time)

Сinema... (about where I go and what I watch)

Theatre... (about what theatre I go to and what I enjoyed with there)

Sport... (about what spor I go in for and what I watch by television)

The Internet... (about when I first came into the Internet and what I look there for now)

Literature... (about what I read and what prefer in the world of different books)

Сoncerts... (about what concert halls I 've been to and what I was watching there)

Working: swedish cosmetics coompany 'Oriflame' and university newspaper 'ProfVERSIYA'

I work on a voluntary basis as designer and maker-up in the editorial staff of newspaper 'ProfVERSIYA' of Trade union of students and post graduate students of Saint Petersburg State University. I like my job. It gives me feeling of freedom. Unfortunately it's mpossible to get a salary for my work. None theless there is a profit of doing such a work that is not paid for. I get an expirience in design, communicate with very interesting and many-sided working members of Trade union of students and post graduate students of Saint Petersburg State University and also can use computer with access to the Internet. The last point is very important.

I can earn money constantly, but not too much working in swedish cosmetics company 'Oriflame'. Every month I earn about 1 thousand and a half. This amount of money is enough to buy food. I learned how to save money in St. Petersburg. 350 rubles are spent for food each week by me. :) I should enlarge my net of distributors in order to earn more mopney than I get now so as it was done by my antie Valentina A. Bardakhanova a little ealier. Now she is a saphire director in Oriflame company. 8-о)

I offer a job for everyone who wants to earn small amount of money constantly spending not too much time for work (about 3 hours a week) as a consultant and distibutor of Swedish cosmetics company 'Oriflame'.


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